125 Million Gourmet Menus
Effective eye-catching graphics allow you to easily assess the preparation time, difficulty of implementation, and caloric intake for each recipe, while providing a convenient shopping list, displayed with great immediacy whenever you are composing a new menu. The 220 basic recipes are accompanied by a broad introduction that contains valuable information about the best combinations between various foodstuffs and ingredients, as well as some suggestions for the best use of this amusing, easy, and never repetitive reference tool. In the pages reserved for notes, you'll find space for personal notations and observations about the various menus you've already tried in the past, to keep track of those that were most successful, of the occasion when they were served, and of the guests who took part in the event. The goodness and wholesomeness of the preparations are guaranteed by Academia Barilla, an important institution playing an extraordinary role in terms of protection, preservation, and dissemination of the great legacy of Italian cuisine.