Meditation for Beginners 'With CD', Paperback
Have you ever thought about trying meditation, but didn't know how to get started? With Meditation for Beginners, trusted teacher Jack Kornfield shows you how simple it is to start--and stick with--a daily meditation practice.""Insight"" or vipassana meditation is the time-honored skill of calming the spirit and clearing the mind for higher understanding. Now, in this course created especially for beginners, Kornfield offers a straightforward, step-by-step method for bringing meditation into your life. Using the meditations included in this book, you will discover how easy it is to use your breath, physical sensations--and even difficult emotions--to create tranquility and lovingkindness in your everyday life. These simple, elegant practices are so easy to learn that you will begin enjoying the benefits immediately--while laying the foundation for a lifetime of inner discovery and awakening.""With humor and insight, Jack Kornfield patiently explains the Buddhist way to bring deep spirituality into your everyday life."" --TRICYCLE magazine Table of Contents: Chapter One: The Ancient Art of Meditation Chapter Two: Why Meditate? Chapter Three: The Benefits of Meditation Practice Chapter Four: Meditation 1: Connecting with the Breath Chapter Five: Meditation 2: Working With Sensations in the Body Chapter Six: Meditation 3: Working With Feelings and Emotion Chapter Seven: Meditation 4: Witnessing Your Thoughts Chapter Eight: Meditation 5: Forgiveness Meditation Chapter Nine: Meditation 6: Loving Kindness Meditation Chapter Ten: Meditation 7: An Eating Meditation Chapter Eleven: Meditation 8: A Walking Meditation Chapter Twelve: Meditation and Social Responsibility Chapter Thirteen: How to Cultivate a Daily Meditation Practice Excerpt: Meditation for Beginners offers the central trainings and teachings found in the best Buddhist monasteries translated for Western society. In Meditation for Beginnings, you will find some of the simplest and most universal of the practices of med