Fat Mind, Fat Body - An Effective & Lasting Weight Loss Solution: Lose Weight, Keep Fit & Live Longer, Paperback/Benjamin P. Bonetti
Description Fed Up With Your FAT Body? Isn't It Time That YOU Changed? Benjamin Bonetti International Bestselling Hypnotherapist has combined all his skills to produce this truly fantastic support tool for those struggling to get to grips of their weight loss journey. Within this exciting, informative and direct publication, Benjamin has included all that YOU will ever need to know in order to successfully lose weight for good SO, what are you waiting for? Isn't it time you took back control of your life and took the massive action required to live a life that you deserve? Benjamin Bonetti is recognized as one of the world's bestselling hypnotherapists and self-help authors. With over 1 million self-help products sold internationally his self-help Apps, Audiobooks and CD's are regularly in the top ten audio charts on Amazon, iTunes, Audible and the App Store. "Have been spending the past three years trying just about every diet under the sun, but nothing seemed to work. This book wasn't a diet by any means, it actually changed the way I started thinking about food and myself. What has actually shocked me is that for a larger than av- erage man (proper huge ), I am now enjoying food more than I have done for years and not feeling guilty for it. Was pretty anti all this self help malarkey, but this is self-help, this is something that if you have the right motivation, then can really change the way you think about things. I have even looked into some of the other stuff that this guy Benjamin Bonetti does and my wife is now raving about him too since using the go to sleep app or whatever you call it Anyway, great stuff, best money I've ever spent." Anna. F "I've never been a big believer in all this kind of stuff, but following a redundancy and a few health issues I put on a huge amount of weight - this really helped me overcome the attitude towards food and exercise that I'd adopted and have already lost a significant amount of weight : )" Richard. R "This is a great b