Cryptograms Puzzle Books for Adults: A Unique Cryptograms Puzzle Books for Adults Large Print (a Special Challenging Cryptograms Large Print Book for, Paperback/Omolove Jay
Description Welcome to this Cryptograms Puzzle Books For Adults: A Unique Cryptograms Puzzle Books For Adults Large Print (A Special Challenging Cryptograms Large Print Book For Adults And Kids) Volume 1 In this unique cryptogram puzzle book you will find motivational and inspirational quotes on success, education, family and friendship. These quotes are famous quotes from people from all works of life such as inventors, authors, celebrities, e. tc. This puzzle book is neither too hard nor too easy and it is suitable for both children and adult who love to take the type of challenge that cryptogram puzzles are known for. Note that all vowels have been done for you; the task is for you to unravel the coded phrase by matching each letter to the appropriate number to fill in the provided gaps. You can also check the solutions at the back of this book in case you get stuck. Go ahead get your copy and have fun.