Bible Word Find Puzzles: The Word Find Book for Adults Large Print on Songs of Solomon! Volume 1: A Bible Word Find Brain Games Series, Paperback/Omolove Jay
Description The book of Song of Solomon is an interesting book of the bible as it gives confidence from courtship to marriage. It simply assures the partners of love. Yes, relax with this Bible Word Find Puzzles book on Song of Solomon by appreciating the beauty and goodness of the union between two persons as you uncover the hidden messages in this puzzle book. Each chapter has been divided into sections for maximum word finds. All you need do is search the listed words and the remaining letters will reveal to you the hidden massage within the puzzle. This puzzle book is suitable for adults in courtship and married couples for maximum relaxation. Note that the King James Version of the bible has been used. Now, go ahead and get your copy then start discovering those hidden special messages for you as a couple today