Single-Case Research Designs: Methods for Clinical and Applied Settings, 2nd Edition, Paperback
Single-case research has played an important role in developing and evaluating interventions that are designed to alter a particular facet of human functioning. Now thoroughly updated in its second edition, acclaimed author Alan E. Kazdin's Single-Case Research Designs provides a notable contrast to the quantitative methodology approach that pervades the biological and social sciences. While focusing on widely applicable methodologies for evaluating interventions--such as treatment or psychotherapy using applied behavior analysis--this revised edition also encompasses a broader range of research areas that utilize single-case designs, demonstrating the pertinence of this methodology in various disciplines, from psychology and medicine to business and industry. This well-written, clear, and thoroughly updated text is ideal for practitioners, instructors, and students alike. Features: Offers new options in experimental design, presenting combinations of designs that increase the range of questions that can be asked about alternative interventions Details the underlying rationale and methods of evaluating intervention effects through visual inspection in the area of data evaluation Provides an expanded description of methods (e. g., assessment) and a greater range of examples Includes an appendix at the end of the book to encourage discussion of the challenges, advances, and dilemmas of data evaluation in the design