Number Talks: Whole Number Computation, Grades K-5: A Multimedia Professional Learning Resource, Paperback
Number Talks A five- to fifteen-minute classroom conversation around purposefully crafted computation problems that are solved mentally. The best part of a teacher's day. This resource was created in response to the requests of teachers--those who want to implement number talks but are unsure of how to begin and those with experience who want more guidance in crafting purposeful problems. This dynamic multimedia resource supports teachers in understanding: how to follow students' thinking and pose the right questions to build understanding; how to prepare for and design purposeful number talks; and how to develop grade-level-specific strategies for the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Number Talks(TM) supports the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. It also includes an abundance of reference tables to help you quickly and easily locate strategies, number talks, and video clips.