Are You Shtting Me': 1,004 Facts That Will Scare the Sht Out of You, Paperback
Blue Ice, Meteors, and Beaver Ass, Oh My FACT: The use of maggots to clean wounds has proven to be effective for patients who don't respond to traditional treatments. FACT: The Icelandic dish hakarl is beheaded basking shark that is buried in the ground for six to 12 weeks to putrefy before it is eaten. FACT: Used during the Dutch Revolt, rat torture involved trapping rodents under a bowl on a prisoner's stomach then heating the bowl's exterior so the animals would eat through the victim's flesh to try to escape. FACT: The average person picks his nose five times every hour, occasionally eating what he picks. The world is a scary place, and it gets scarier every day. From the creator of the bestselling 1, 001 Facts That Will Scare The S#t Out Of You comes this new collection of 1, 004 (count 'em ) truly horrifying and horrifyingly true facts about the world around us. From ancient medical practices to doomsday scenarios, to disgusting food from around the world and the entire terrifying state of Florida, the facts in Are You Shtting Me? are sure to entertain and disturb you at once. Unless of course you are already disturbed, in which case this is the book for you ""