Five Lessons: A Clear, Definite, Lecture on Using the Power of Your Imagination!, Paperback/Neville Goddard
"Five Lessons," is compilation of a lecture given over five days by Neville Goddard. It includes: Lesson 1 - CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY I need not remind you that you are now that which you have assumed that you are. Do not discuss it with anyone, not even self. You cannot take thought as to the HOW, when you know that you ARE already. lesson 2 - ASSUMPTIONS HARDEN INTO FACT The minute you begin to discipline your mind by observing your thoughts and watching your thoughts throughout the day, you become the policeman of your thoughts. Refuse to enter into conversations that are unlovely, refuse to listen attentively to anything that tears down. lesson 3 -THINKING FOURTH-DIMENSIONALLY When you know exactly what you want, construct in your mind s eye a single, simple event which implies fulfillment of your desire, an event where in self predominates. Instead of sitting back and looking at yourself as though you were on the screen, you be the actor in the drama. lesson 4 - NO ONE TO CHANGE BUT SELF You simply let it into being by assuming that it is already visible in your world, and remaining faithful to your assumption. it will harden into fact. Your Father has unnumbered ways of revealing your assumption. Fix this in your mind and always remember, "An assumption, though false, if sustained will harden into fact." lesson 5 - REMAIN FAITHFUL TO YOUR IDEA Simply assume that it is done and suspend reason, suspend all the arguments of the conscious three-dimensional mind. Your desire is outside of the reach of the three-dimensional mind. lessons Q & A "Neville may eventually be recognized as one of the world's great mystics." -Joseph Murphy, author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind "A popular speaker on metaphysical themes from the late '30s until his death in 1972, Neville authored ten books in which he captured the sheer logic of creative mind principles. His work has impacted me in a very profound way; in fact, he's been a great mentor to me in the past few