Pofta de povesti. Yummy Stories
Pofta de povesti. Yummy Stories. Editie bilingva romana-engleza Ilustrator: Anda Ansheen Varsta recomandata: 4-8 ani Carte bilingva (romana-engleza), multipremiata, cu 6 povesti delicioase care stimuleaza pofta de fructe, legume si lectura. Excelenta pentru citire cu voce tare si pentru activitati de imprietenire cu alimentatia sanatoasa.
Contine sugestii de lectura si ilustratii ingenioase care ii provoaca pe copii sa descopere legumele deghizate: broccoli si ceapa verde (copaci), buchetele de conopida (nori), sparanghel si morcovi (garduri), ceapa rosie si cartofi (palate) etc. Design cu peritextual features: imediat ce vor deschide cartea, copiii vor invata intr-un mod creativ despre ciclul de viata al fluturelui si alte lucruri interesante din natura. Niciun element din carte nu este intamplator!
Premii internationale: • Best Picture Book Ages 4-8 • Beverly Hills Book Awards • Gold Award Recipient • Mom's Choice Awards • Silver Medal Winner • Readers' Favorite International Book Awards, Finalist • Children's Inspirational • Beverly Hills Book Awards • Nominalizata in selectii precum Healthy Living Books to Read Aloud. Ce povesti delicioase si sanatoase pentru trup si suflet am descoperit in paginile acestei carti! Legumele si fructele devin si mai apetisante si atragatoare, iar prichindeii sunt mai usor de convins sa le incerce si sa le manance! Abia astept citesc aceste povesti tuturor urechiuselor pofticioase pe care le intalnesc la cursurile din gradinite si scoli! Ca nutritionist si mama, recomand din suflet aceasta carte. - Maria Varga, Nutritionist Dietetician
In this beautifully illustrated picture book, author L. Alexander offers six stories to spark the imagination and stimulate the appetite for healthy eating and positive living. Each story is filled with numerous values and morals which both serves to prod the imagination and spark discussion. - IndieReader (US)
A cheerful, fun approach to good food with the authentic flavor of folk tales for kids 4 to 8. The beautifully done illustrations help tell the story; fruits and vegetables are hidden on every page, and finding them is part of the fun. With their well-crafted rhythm and rhyme, the stories are perfect for reading aloud. - Kirkus Reviews (US)
Yummy Stories is a yummy book indeed, and it is most highly recommended. Each of these very yummy stories is a perfect little gem of a fractured fairy tale. They're clever and witty and designed to make you smile... Alexander's rhymes are elegant and earthy all at once, and they're never forced or obvious. These stories beg to be read aloud. - Readers' Favorite (US)
A brilliant way to encourage kids to eat their veggies! - Epic Book Quest (US)
All of the stories are cleverly written with rhymes that really are better read aloud, so grab your child and enjoy a great read - then make sure you eat all your vegetables! - In Our Spare Time (US) Luminita Alexandru este scriitoare, pedagog si edutainer. Prin intermediul povestilor si atelierelor sale ii imprieteneste pe copii cu un stil de viata sanatos si cu valorile morale. Anda Ansheen este ilustratoare profesionista si detine si o licenta in Psihologie. Studiile de specialitate le ajuta pe cele doua creatoare sa gaseasca cele mai eficiente modalitati de exprimare.