Lacomie - Francine Prose
Elfriede Jelinek
Omul noptii (vol. 7)
Nora Roberts
Despre lacomie, catre bogati. Omilie rostita in timp de foamete si seceta - Sfantul Vasile cel Mare
Sfântul Vasile Cel Mare
Viata secreta a banilor. Povesti despre datorii, bogatie, fericire, lacomie si caritate
Tad Crawford
Diavolul si domnisoara Prym
Paulo Coelho
Household Saints, Paperback
Francine Prose
Prima iubire
Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them, Paperback
Blue Angel, Paperback/Francine Prose
After, Paperback/Francine Prose
The Lives of the Muses: Nine Women & the Artists They Inspired, Paperback/Francine Prose