Cugetarile lui Tony
Pagini pline de vise, cugetari, iubire. Mii de idei si prea putina inspiratie de a le aseza in pagina. Vorbe poetice fara rost intr-un simplu jurnal necitit de persoane importante, subintelesuri si indicii pentru a intelege persoana potrivita. Greseli, taieturi si corecturi, scris frumos ori dezordonat. Pete de cerneala, de lacrimi, uneori de sange. Totul pentru nimic sau poate pentru o adevarata viata. Si, cel mai important, un adevarat scriitor care iubeste din toata inima. I am pieces of quotes from my favorite books stitched together by song lyrics and I’m glued together
by midnight conversations and the sweet taste of coffee and I have this tendency to fall apart suddenly
and I need you to somehow be okay with this because I am created by the souls who are brave enough
to gather all my tattered pieces and put me back together and oh God how I would love to be whole again.