Re-descoperim Clujul III / Re-discovering Cluj III - Cosmin Catalin Rusu
Re-descoperim Clujul III. Un ghid cultural-istoric al "orasului-comoara al Transilvaniei" / Re-discovering Cluj III. A Cultural-Historical Guide of "Transylvania"s Treasure City" Editie bilingva: romana-engleza Asociatia "Vechiul Cluj" a dus proiectul "Re-descoperim Clujul", initiat in anul 2016, la cea de-a treia editie si al treilea ghid bilingv al Clujului. Alaturi de celelalte proiecte ale Asociatiei, "Povesti despre Cluj" si "Traducerea lucrarii «Istoria Clujului» scrisa de Jakab Elek", si acesta s-a facut remarcat in viata culturala clujeana, pastrand vie amintirea faptelor inaintasilor nostri. Dragostea pentru Cluj ne obliga sa mergem mai departe, cu noi proiecte si initiative pe care le vom gandi si pune in practica in viitor. - Sebastian-Iacob Moga "Vechiul Cluj" Association took the project "Re-discovering Cluj", that begun in 2016, to a third edition and bilingual guide of Cluj. Together with the other projects of the Association, "Stories of Cluj", and “Translation of ‘The History of Cluj’ written by Jakab Elek", this project as well constitutes a landmark in the cultural life of Cluj, keeping in our minds the memory of our forefathers. The love for Cluj oblige us to go further, with new projects and initiatives that we will implement in the future. - Sebastian-Iacob Moga "Re-descoperim Clujul", proiect al Asociatiei "Vechiul Cluj", a devenit, in ultimii trei ani, unul dintre cele mai populare programe destinate cunoasterii si promovarii patrimoniului istoric si cultural unic al acestui oras. Cu incepere din acest an, proiectul il are ca protagonist pe Cosmin Rusu, tanar istoric cu o solida reputatie academica, fiind, in acelasi timp, si un profesionist al turismului cultural. Ghidajele prin Clujul de altadata au fost de aceasta data structurate nu topografic, ci cronologic si tematic, introducandu-se in acest fel o rigurozitate academica cu atat mai binevenita, cu cat ea a fost imbinata cu suflul nou generat de dinamismul profesionistului in domeniul promovarii turistice a patrimoniului cultural. - Tudor Salagean "Re-discovering Cluj", a project of the "Old Cluj" ("Vechiul Cluj") Association, has become, during the last three years, one of the most popular programmes aimed at the recognition and promotion of the unique historical and cultural heritage of this city. This year"s edition protagonist is Cosmin Rusu, a young historian with a solid academic reputation who is, at the same time, a cultural tourism professional. The guided tours through the old Cluj have now been structured chronologically and thematically, and not topographically, thus introducing an academic rigour, the more propitious as it has been combined with the fresh dynamics of the professional in the field of the cultural heritage touristic promotion. - Tudor Salagean