Re-descoperim Clujul IV. Re-discovering Cluj IV
Re-descoperim Clujul IV. Comunitatile comunitatii Clujului / Re-discovering Cluj IV. The Communities of the Cluj Community
Editie bilingva: romana-engleza
Traseele propuse pentru tururile de explorare a orasului realizate in acest an sub egida Asociatiei „Vechiul Cluj” au fost astfel structurate incat sa faca cunoscute comunitatile orasului si contributiile pe care acestea le-au adus la definirea profilului sau multicultural. Celor patru comunitati cu un rol major in istoria Clujului (romanii, maghiarii, germanii si evreii) li se alatura, pe traseele de istorie culturala descrise in cadrul acestui volum, italienii, polonezii, armenii sau romii, dar si secuii, grecii, slovacii si alti reprezentanti ai unor grupuri etnice, culturale sau confesionale mai mici. - Tudor Salagean The routes proposed for the tours exploring the city this year by the Vechiul Cluj Association have been structured in order to make known the communities of the city, and the contributions they made to define the town's profile as a multicultural one. The four communities with a major role in the history of Cluj, Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, and Jews, are joined, on the routes of history described in this volume, by the Italians, Poles, Armenians, Roma, Szekels, Greeks, Slovaks, and other representatives of various smaller ethnic, cultural or confessional groups. - Tudor Salagean Lucrarea de fata isi propune sa (re)aduca in atentia publicului principalele etnii si comunitati istorice locale, respectiv aportul acestora la societatea si patrimoniul (multi)cultural al Clujului. Nu in ultimul rand, aceste pagini sunt dedicate Clujenilor prezenti si viitori, membri ai COMUNITATILOR Comunitatii CLUJULUI... - Cosmin Catalin Rusu The present work aims at (re)bringing to the public attention the main local historical ethnic groups and communities, namely their contribution to the society and the (multi)cultural heritage of Cluj. Last but not least, these pages are dedicated to the present and future citizens of Cluj, members of the COMMUNITIES belonging to the CLUJ Community... - Cosmin Catalin Rusu Istoria unui teritoriu este de fapt reuniunea istoriilor tuturor locuitorilor acelui teritoriu. Am incercat sa aratam acest lucru prin cele sase tururi ghidate ale Clujului din anul 2019 pe care le-am organizat. Seria de carti care urmeaza tururile ghidate arata ca istoria are si o alta fata, nu doar insiruirea cronologica a bataliilor. - Victor Salca The history of a territory is made up by the reunion of the personal histories of the dwellers of that territory. We tried to show that in the six guided city tours that we organised in 2019. This series of books that follow the guided tours proves that history has also a different side, not just the chronological sequence of battles. - Victor Salca