Sarutand floarea de mar. Kissing the apple blossom (poezii) - Ignatie Grecu
Sarutand floarea de mar / Kissing the Apple Blossom este o carte de poezii bilingva romana-engleza Citind volumul Sarutand floarea de mar al Parintelui poet Ignatie Grecu ai senzatia ca ai intrat intr-o lume a misterelor revelate prin cuvantul poetic, o lume pitoreasca a florii de mar care prin sarutul sacru al preotului poet primeste astfel binecuvantarea de a deveni o veritabila si „mirabila samanta", apoi fruct plin de dulceata luminii si a miresmei ascunse tainic in floare. In trilul pasarilor cerului care plutesc precum ingerii deasupra lacului dimprejur al Sfintei Manastiri Cernica, preotul poet Ignatie Grecu desluseste adevarul si vestea cea buna ca Dumnezeu exista. (Pr. Marcel Mihalache, SUA) Reading the book Kissing the Apple Blossom by Father Ignatie Grecu you have the feeling that you have entered a world of mysteries revealed by the poetic word, a picturesque world of apple blossom, which through the sacred kiss of the priestly poet receives the blessing of becoming a true and "miraculous seed", and thereafter a fruit full of the sweetness of light and fragrance mysteriously hidden in the flower. In the tweet of the birds of the sky which float like the angels above the lake around the Holy Cernica Monastery, the priestly poet Ignatie Grecu unravels the truth and the good news that God exists. (Pr. Marcel Mihalache, USA)