Limba Engleza Intensiv
Limba Engleza (studiu intensiv). Clasa a V-a. Caietul elevului (Workbook)
Caietul de lucru este realizat pe hartie offset import de 70 grame/m2, tiparit si ilustrat alb-negru. Coperta este realizata pe hartie dublu cretat lucioasa de 300 grame/m2, plastifiat lucios.
Cambridge uses cutting-edge language and pedagogy research to create innovative materials that teachers and students will love.
It is the first time that Cambridge University Press has designed a course specifically for Romanian schools.
English and Romanian teachers have created, through Limba engleza - studiu intensiv. Clasa a V-a, a textbook that follows the Romanian Curriculum step by step.
With Limba engleza - studiu intensiv. Clasa a V-a, learning English becomes much more interesting as you discover and explore the cultures and people of the world around you.
The Workbook Limba engleza - studiu intensiv. Caiet de lucru pentru clasa a V-a offers additional practice of all the language and skills presented in the Student's Book. This version of the Workbook offers:
• graded exercises for mixed abilities;
• more help with grammar and speaking in Speaking extra and Language focus extra pages;
• Cambridge Learner Corpus informed Get it Right! pages
Autori: Vicki Anderson, Eoin Higgins, Cristina Rusu, Diana Todoran