Limba moderna 1 - Engleza INTENSIV clasa a VIII-a. Ghidul profesorului. Eyes Open, Teacher's Book - Garan Holcombe, Irina Spatar, Ioana Tudose
Limba moderna 1 - studiu intensiv: Engleza. Ghidul profesorului - Clasa a VIII-a
Limba moderna 1 - studiu intensiv. Engleza. Clasa a Vlll-a contains a wealth of fascinating reading texts and informative Discovery Education video clips. The two-page Discover Culture sections bring global cultures to the classroom, greatly enhancing the students' learning experience whilst simultaneously reinforcing target language. The texts and three Discovery Education video clips per unit often revolve around teenage protagonists. The wide variety of themes, such as natural history, inspiring personal stories, unusual lifestyles, international festivals and customs teach students about the world around them through the medium of English, whilst also promoting values such as cultural awareness and social responsibility. Each unit also has an accompanying CLIL lesson (with accompanying Discovery Education video) which contains a reading text and activities. Each unit's texts, together with the videos, encourage the students to reflect on, discuss and explore the themes further. Cambridge University Press, partenerul ART pentru limba engleza, este cea mai veche editura din lume (fondata in 1534) si un nume de referinta in editarea de manuale, cursuri si resurse de invatare a limbii engleze. Testele Cambridge sunt cele mai cautate si cele mai apreciate de tinerii din intreaga lume, dar si de catre elevii si profesorii din tara noastra. Autori: Garan Holcombe, Irina Spatar, Ioana Tudose.