Making a Ripple: The 2x4 Canoe, Paperback/Mark Schultz
In pursuit of a craft for fishing and exploring the secluded lakes and streams of Northern Minnesota, the author has created Ripple; a sturdy, stable, comfortable and attractive canoe that can be built from four 16' 2x4s, fiberglass fabric and epoxy resin. If a cedar strip canoe is outside of your time, temperament, and price range, you may find the planked construction method described in this book to be an option well worth considering. Besides including the complete plans and step by step instructions, the author goes a step further and details the construction of a trailer and hitch system for pulling the canoe behind a bicycle. For about $300 and 2-3 hours per day, for a total of about 40 hours, those with basic woodworking and fiberglassing skills can create this canoe and trailer, and perhaps soon find themselves making another one. L. O.A. 14'3," beam 36," rocker 2," beam at 2" waterline 30," bow height 16," weight 56-60 pounds