Hypnoenergetics - The Four Dimensions: An Overview of the New Approach to Hypnotherapy That Is Inspiring People Around the World, Paperback/Mr Peter Bernard Smith
Description Hypnoenergetics is the blending of Hypnotherapy, Consciousness and Energy into a holistic healing practice that is life-changing. This book outlines the philosophy and overview to this modality and shares case studies from clinical practice where this work has made a profound difference in people's lives. The blending of the Four Dimensions; The Physical Presence, The Emotional Landscape, The Spiritual Being and The Energy Field into one healing philosophy allows for deep personal transformation at all levels. "The transformation is real, it is immediate and most of all it impacts in such a positive way that the shift is felt not only by those directly experiencing the session, but also those around them as it ripples out into the lives of all that they touch." Dave (Hypnoenergetics Practitioner, Sydney) About the Author Peter Smith is the author of Hypnoenergetics - The Four Dimensions and Founder of the Institute for Quantum Consciousness (www. instituteforquantumconsciouness. com) Peter is a practising Hypnotherapist in Australia, and has held many roles in the industry over the years from teacher, mentor, presenter and leader of various groups and Associations. He is a practicing Life Between Lives Hypnotherapist and was trained and certified in the USA by The Michael Newton Institute (TNI). He has trained therapists for them in the USA, UK, Europe and Australia and was president of TNI, from 2009 till 2018 when he was asked to serve on the board as the Director of The Newton Legacy. . He holds a Graduate Diploma in Management from Sydney University, a Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training from Swinburne University, is accredited for the MBTI instrument levels I and II through Australian Psychologists Press. Peter spent over two decades in Executive leadership in one of Australia's largest companies, before moving on to follow his dream of making a unique contribution to the evolution of the consciousness of humankind, through the power of H