Eloy/A. V. Queen
Description Following WWII, Eloy, a hot dusty "Cotton Boom Town" in South Central Arizona lived up to its Spanish translation, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" The actual events of Eloy, Arizona during post WWII are well documented in this edition, with original crime photographs, original newspaper articles, notes that were kept by A. V. in his trusty notebook. Imagine living back in 1941 and to be told by a doctor at the T. B. Sanatorium in Talihina Oklahoma that your only chance for survival was to move to a dryer climate or die. With a leap of faith, in a 1939 Chevy the entire Queen family of eight, a hired driver, seventeen quilts and all of their earthly belongings that would fit in the car headed west, settling in a small, dusty "Cotton Boom Town" of Eloy. There A. V. began to heal himself in the dry heat. The family's fortune changed dramatically after A. V. helped a deputy lock up three very resisting prisoners. A few days later, Chief Deputy, Ed "Tex" Smith, offered him the job of night deputy. How was A. V. to know that Eloy would soon become known as "The Toughest Town in U. S"About the Author Don Queen, has lived primarily in Arizona, and is proud to be the youngest son of a urban legend, a deputy of Eloy during the Cotton Boom where deputies were killed, crippled or scared off the job except for one, A. V. Queen. As a tribute to his beloved Dad, Don has taken on the task of republishing his father's book from the 1950's. Relying on the childhood memories of an impressionable young boy who idolized his dad, Eloy's history comes alive.