The English Missal, Hardcover/***
A handsome, substantial volume, The English Missal contains opening sentences, propers, collects and readings for the celebration of the Eucharist on every Sunday and Holy Day of the Christian year and on a large number of saints' days, taken from the Book of Common Prayer and other traditional sources. This edition is not a reprint of the popular lay edition, but a reduction, to an attractively manageable size, of the Altar version. Out of print for many years, it uses the 1958 edition with its exquisitely beautiful typesetting and design - a work of religious art in itself. A classic of Anglo-Catholic spirituality and devotion, and an essential purchase for 'continuing' churches everywhere, it will also find a ready home in college libraries and private collections. It is useful for daily public worship, for study, private prayer and for general reading for its wealth of collects, prayers and devotional material.