Sbac Test Prep: 5th Grade Math Common Core Practice Book and Full-Length Online Assessments: Smarter Balanced Study Guide with Perform, Paperback/Lumos Learning
This Book Includes: Access to Online SBAC Practice Assessments Two Performance Tasks (PT) Two Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT) Self-paced learning and personalized score reports Strategies for building speed and accuracy Instant feedback after completion of the Assessments Inside this book, you will find practice sections aligned to each CCSS. Students will have the ability to review questions on each standard, one section at a time, in the order presented, or they can choose to study the sections where they need the most practice. Includes: Hundreds of standards aligned practice questions 30+ Skills foundational to success on Smarter Balanced assessments Five CCSS Domains: Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten, Numbers and Operations - Fractions, Measurement and Data, and Geometry Engaging reading passages to make learning fun Detailed answer explanations for every question Teachers Get FREE Access to Lumos Step Up(TM) Basic Account Create up to 30 students accounts and monitor their online work Share information about class work and school activities through stickies Easy access to Blogs, Standards, Student Reports and More.. Lumos Study Program is used by the leading schools and libraries to improve student achievement on the standardized tests and supplement classroom learning.