Parcc Test Prep: Grade 6 English Language Arts Literacy (Ela) Practice Workbook and Full-Length Online Assessments: Parcc Study Guide, Paperback
Contributor(s):Author: Lumos Learning This workbook is specifically designed to help students succeed on the PARCC assessment (2018-19) and master 6th grade ELA skills. Key Benefits of this Grade 6 English Language Arts PARCC practice book Access to sixth Grade English Language Arts Online Learning Resources Provides realistic PARCC online practice with 2 full-length assessments that include 12 tech-enhanced question types New Addition PARCC Released Items now available for practice Automatically diagnoses students' learning difficulties and assigns remedial practice Includes Teacher and Parent access to support collaborative learning Improves English language skills with hundreds of standards-aligned learning resources such as practice questions, worksheets, videos, apps, etc Builds speed & accuracy by providing comprehensive review of state learning standards to improve PARCC scores Using this PARCC ELA printed workbook students can practice on the following ELA domains: Reading: Literature Reading: Informational Text Language Using the access code provided in the book, students, teachers, and parents can access the following online resources. Students will have the opportunity to practice questions related to all the critical ELA learning objectives included in the common core state standards (CCSS). For Students Two PARCC practice tests with 12 tech-enhanced questions Practice with PARCC Released Items Hundreds of standards-aligned learning resources Ability to take diagnostic tests in auto-remedial mode to get personalized practice assignments Kids-friendly search engine to discover helpful study resources For Teachers Assess students' PARCC readiness Create & assign assessments and remedial practice Assign PARCC released items to students Access to insightful student performance reports Discover hundreds of learning resources Ed Search to build personalized resource kits for students within minutes to supplement classroom instruction Share lesson summaries along