The Bad and Downright Ugly of the German-Russian Volga Colonies, Paperback/D. Philipp Kaiser
Description Third book in my series on German-Russians of the Volga Colonies. The goal of this book is to identify the hardships that our German-Russian ancestors endured and overcame in the Volga Colonies. The First Chapter covers their emigration to the Volga Colonies. The Second Chapter covers the Shock and Disappointment, Death Rate, Wild Weather, Sickness, and Food Shortages that they endured. Chapter 3 is about Tsarina Catherine the Great and her "promises." Chapter 4 covers the Robber Bands and Nomadic Tribes and their terrorizing of the colonies. The tale of Emelian Pugachev is in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 covers Lenin and the Red Guards, and the Rebellion in Warenburg. Chapter 7 is the last chapter and is all about Famine in Germany and the Volga Colonies. Following that is the Summary, a Bibliography and Endnotes. 20 pictures, 10 maps. See more of my books at www. Darrel Kaiser Books. com