Moscow's Final Solution: The Genocide of the German-Russian Volga Colonies, Paperback/D. Philipp Kaiser
Description The Final Chapter of the German-Russian Volga Colonies is filled with words like Starvation, Torture, Mass Murders, Deportation, Siberia, and GENOCIDE. Why? One would think that after all the trouble that Tsarina Catherine the Great went to get the Germans to come to Russia, and after living in the Volga Colonies for 100 years, they would be welcome forever. Not so: the Russians felt the German-Russians were still "Germans" at heart and not to be trusted. This book covers the increasing stranglehold that the Tsarist Government clamped on the Volga Colonies around 1860. This was the start of 81 years of Russian scheming to rid Russia of the German-Russians. Also covered is their deportation and life in Siberia, and Moscow's elimination of all traces of the German-Russians Volga Colonies. "GENOCIDE" This is my third book in a series on the German-Russian Volga Colonies. More information at www. Darrel Kaiser Books. com