Swear Word Coloring Book: 35 Swear Words Insults, Curse Words & Phrases to Calm You the Hell Down. Beautifully Designed Flowers, Mandalas & Patt, Paperback/Swear Words Coloring Book
Calm Yourself Down with this fantastic Swear Word Coloring Book featuring 35 Sweary Insults, Curse words and Phrases that have all been carefully designed to Calm You The Hell Down and bring you back to peaceful bliss. This book is not for children as there are rude, filthy words that only adult will appreciate. If you know someone who needs to chill, then this book is for you. Take your frustrations out on the pages as you create your own masterpieces. Some of the prints can be framed and given away as gifts as a lot of the phrases will fit the people that get on your nerves in real life 35 Stunning patterns printed on good quality white paper and only on one side so that you dont' get any bleed through. 8. 5" x 11" large size so there's plenty of room for your artwork. Click inside the book for a preview look and order your Insults, curse words and phrases swear word coloring book and start to chill out today. TAGS: swear adult coloring book, swear and relax, swear and relax adult coloring book, swear and relax coloring book, swear book, swear color book, swear coloring, swear coloring book, swear coloring book for adults, swear gifts, swear mandala coloring book, swear mandalas, swear men, swear word, swear word color book, swear w