Adult Coloring Book/Adult Coloring Book
Description Coloring Book for Adults - 30 rude, crude coloring pages for adults, printed single sided. At the end of the day, you deserve to kick off your shoes, settle down and color in some rude and crude insults that would put you up to your neck in trouble if you ever uttered them out loud. Don't tell me to F#cking Calm Down is the perfect way to end the day and release all your pent up emotions. Boss giving you a hard time at work? Then try a 'F#ck you motherf#cker', yeah that felt good. Still not quite in the zone? Then try 'I quit you f#cking caveman', or maybe just stick to a classic, 'Bite me c#cksucker.' Now doesn't that feel a whole lot better, without the obvious consequences of uttering these rude insults out loud Whatever your choice you will love these 30 rude, crude coloring pages for adults, printed single sided for your utmost pleasure. Tags: Coloring Books For Adults, Adult Coloring Books, Coloring Books For Grownups, Swear Words, Insults Swear Word Coloring Book