Anti-Cancer Cookbook: Your Complete Eat Cure Cancer Cook Book/John Leggette M. D.
Description There is more information available now than a decade ago but much of it is confusing and not based on solid medical science. Moreover, while many cancer prevention books issue theoretical dietary recommendations, few provide guidance onpractical ways of applying these in our busy day-to-day lives. This is why I decided to write this book. My first aim is to help you rediscover the guilt-free pleasure of eating healthy, delicious food. Many of us worry about the potential health risks of what we eat. With respect to highly processed factory foods, such fears may be justified. However, when healthy eating feels like a grim duty or a joyless medicalprescription, I do not believe that it can fulfill its true objective. This book addresses Everything you need to know about anti-cancer foods into one handy book. Explains what cancer is and how antioxidants work to prevent pre-cancerous mutations in your body's cells, and then describes in detail which foods have been scientifically shown to help prevent which types of cance