Sales Prospecting: The Ultimate Guide to Referral Prospecting, Social Contact Marketing, Telephone Prospecting, and Cold Calling to Find, Paperback/Claude Whitacre
The single greatest factor in sales prospecting, is whether you are talking to people that are highly likely to buy from you. If you are a salesperson who is looking for a proven method to multiply your sales prospecting results, you have just found the Motherload. If you want to know, step by step, how to quickly and easily find the sales prospects who are highly likely to buy from you, you need to read this book. If you want to know how to get referrals of people that are eager to talk to you about your product or service, you need to read this book., If you want to know how to get people to ask you about your business, in a completely no-pressure environment, you need to read this book. Inside, you'll discover; Why prospecting the way you were taught is a colossal waste of time. Right now, in your city, there are between ten and a hundred people that are looking to buy what you sell. You'll see how to find those people. The one vital factor in getting referrals that nobody is taught, that will triple the number of referrals you get. How to virtually guarantee that 80% of the referrals you get, will be happy to see you, and will meet with you. The one secret to referral prospecting that will almost guarantee that referrals will buy from you. How to get people to ask you about your business, in a way that is completely natural and comfortable. Why networking is usually a waste of time, and how to make sure it's profitable for you. A proven method, not taught anywhere else, to find the prospects that will almost certainly buy from you... and the system to see an endless supply of these highly likely prospects. How to completely eliminate the stress & tension that you feel when it comes to calling a prospect on the phone. How to prospect for sales with integrity and pride. How to go from being seen as a salesperson to being a trusted adviser, whose recommendations will be quickly accepted... no matter how you prospect. And the first time in print, the approach I used