The Overcomers' Handbook of Kingdom Proclamations, Paperback/Barbara L. Potts
Description Jesus instructed us in Matthew 6: 10 to pray that God's Kingdom would come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Equipping the Church to become Kingdom advancers is my Passion." And so it is my heartfelt prayer that this Handbook of Proclamations will equip you as overcoming warriors who will advance His Kingdom on earth as it has already been established in Heaven "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne..." - Revelation 3: 21About the Author As an intercessor and prayer leader, Barbara serves as the Maryland State Prayer Coordinator for Aglow International, and the US Assistant to Nancy Mc Daniel, Aglow's Global Prayer Director. She is also the Mid Atlantic Regional, and Washington, DC, General for the Reformation Prayer Network (Generals International). For 24 years she has had "boots on the ground" with the Capitol Hill Prayer Partners in Washington, DC. Barbara's personal calling to impart truth that liberates and empowers has taken her on assignments as far away as the bush country of central Ghana. Her book on spiritual warfare, "Praying with Authority and Power," has been translated into Spanish, and has global distribution. Her own ministry, Kingdom Rising Ministries was incorporated as a non-profit organization in January 2011. Barbara lives in the Washington, DC area with her husband of 50 years, Jim. They keep in touch with their far-away family of three children and six grandchildren via skype and texting.