Cogat: Practice Test for the Cognitive Abilities Test: Form 7 Level 9, Paperback/Gifted and Talented Test Editors
Description This workbook contains Test 1 of the Co GAT(R) for Grade 3: over 170 verbal, non-verbal and quantitative questions to practice with your child. All children are gifted and talented. Not all kids fit into the standards that school systems and educational institutions deem as the cutoff for gifted and talented designation. Every child deserves to be offered the most challenging material in school to progress in his or her understanding of the world. Co GAT(R) Test Topics: -Verbal Analogies -Sentence Completion -Verbal Classification -Number Series -Number Puzzles -Number Analogies -Figure Matrices -Paper Folding We recommend working through the problems in this book with your child. Take note of your child's strengths and which sections deserve extra time and effort. Work together to find a solution, and ask your child how he or she would solve the problem. Part of the learning process is being able to explain one's train of thought. Look for more books in this series for increasing difficulty levels. And check out the Smarty Buddy game on all App Stores to reward your child for worksheet learning. Our app offers over 670 additional questions in a fun game environment, offering positive reinforcement badges for solved levels and surprises along the way. Thank you for choosing our products and we hope you send us feedback, so we can continue to offer the best for the best COGAT(R) is a registered trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and published by Riverside Publishing, a Houghton Mifflin Company. Neither Houghton Mifflin Harcourt nor Riverside Publishing is involved in the production of, nor endorses, this product.