Practice Test for the Cogat Grade 2 Form 7 Level 8: Gifted and Talented Test Preparation Second Grade; Cogat 2nd Grade; Cogat Grade 2 Books, Cogat Tes, Paperback
This gifted and talented test preparation book contains a full-length Cog AT(R) Form 7 Grade 2 practice test, which provides gifted and talented Cog AT test preparation for second grade students. This Level 8 (Grade 2) test will prepare your child for the Cognitive Abilities Test (Cog AT(R)), a test for children that is used for admission to US gifted and talented programs, including the San Diego Unified School District GATE program, Houston Vanguard schools, and Chicago programs for the education of the gifted. The questions in this Cog AT practice test were created by educators who have prepared many children for gifted and talented tests. They cover all three of the test's sections (nine question types) so you can help your student improve the logical and visual reasoning skills required to excel on the Cog AT test. This gifted and talented workbook also includes resources and tips for preparing for the Cog AT test, and provides sample questions for each question type. By using this gifted workbook, your student can get used to the format and content of the Cog AT(R) Grade 2 test so he or she is adequately prepared and feels confident on test day. This practice test contains all nine question types on the Level 8 Cog AT, including: Verbal (Picture Analogies, Sentence Completion, Picture Classification ) Quantitative (Number Analogies, Number Puzzles, Number Series) Figurative (Figure Matrices, Paper Folding, Figure Classification) We suggest you use the practice test as a diagnostic to identify your child's strengths and weaknesses, or as a 'mock' exam to simulate real testing conditions. In the latter case, we recommend that you have your child take the test in timed conditions over the course of a few days, as per the instructions in the book. What's Inside this Cog AT Test Prep Book for Grade 2? A full-length Cog AT Form 7 Level 8 practice test, containing 154 practice questions. Access to bonus online 'challenge' questions so you can make sure your child has enough pr