I Hate School: How a College Football Coach Has Inspired Students to Value Education and Become Lifelong Learners, Paperback/John Baxter
Contributor(s):Author: John Baxter Contribution by: Clint Stitser Why Do So Many Kids HATE School?A Paradigm Shift Is Necessary In Education. And Now, A Colledge Football Coach Offers Such Reform. As coaches, we have opportunities that teachers do not. Coaching is a performance based working relationship that relies on the mastery of fundamentals and technique to create a competitive advantage. Coaches are held accountable for an athlete's performance on and off the field. This leads us very quickly to a fork in the road. We can bend the rules academically, and manipulate the system so that they can get through and stay eligible, or we can invest deeply in them and help them technically and fundamentally so that they can become legitimate, independent performers in all areas of life. I see myself at the center of the paradigm shift, which is based on skills and ideas, not subjects and orders. Study hall, medication, tutoring and other conventional forms of intervention aren't what we need. They aren't the long-term solution. We need sustained performance based change that is built on fundamentals and technique. If we are going to effect permanent, long-lasting, fundamental change, the paradigm shift has to begin somewhere other than in the schools. Therefore, parents and educators must pursue such change individually through a program like Academic Gameplan. Academic Gameplan is a coaching based program that teaches the rules, fundamentals and techniques to the game of school. The life skills we teach are SOLID, SIMPLE, and REPEATABLE. AGP is the ROCK upon which students are building lifelong success