Accelerated Learning: How to Learn Any Skill or Subject, Double Your Reading Spe/James Horton
Description Do you find learning difficult? Do you struggle with poor memory, distractions, and interruptions, consumed by procrastination and wandering mind? Do you ever wish you could get really good at something quickly, smoothly and effortlessly?Or maybe you hate to study? Do you find it slow and boring? Would you like to read faster and get more out of your study sessions?If you answered YES to any of those questions then you need to read this book Most people never tap into 10% of their potential for to learn faster and improve memory. Let me explain I don't care whether your nine years old or ninety... man or woman... no matter how poor your education may be today It makes no difference how badly you did in school as a child... how difficult it is for you to concentrate today... how poor your memory may be... how much a prisoner you are of crippling mental habits... how impossible it may seem to you today that YOU could read an entire book in as little as half an hour -That YOU could flash through business and financial problems that leave your friends stopped cold - that YOU could hold an entire roomful of people ABSOLUTELY SPELLBOUND BY THE POWER OF YOUR IMAGINATION, YOUR UNDERSTANDING, YOUR ABILITY TO TRANSMIT THE SPOKEN WORD What's The Secret? It's As Simple As This -I believe that you can perform every one of these accomplishments - and more - far easier and faster than you've ever dreamed - because of this one simple fact: I believe that your mind is working today at only HALF of its true power - simply because no one has ever shown you the right way to make every book, every article, every subject you ever wish to learn HALF TEACH ITSELF What are some benefits you can expect when you follow this program Effortlessly remember important dates, appointments, meetings and schedules weeks, months or even years ahead without missing a single one Make other people "Hang On Your Every Word "Develop a perfect, computer-like memory in just 5 minutes a day Quickly an