Now I'm Reading! Level 1: Playful Pals, Hardcover/Nora Gaydos
TEACH YOUR CHILD TO READ WHILE HAVING FUNSimple, patterned stories and strong picture cues help children build essential skills in Level 1 of this award-winning learn-to-read series. The Now I'm Readingbooks offer a comprehensive approach that integrates the best of phonics and storytelling to help little ones take the first steps toward independent reading success. In LEVEL 1: PLAYFUL PALS, children learn essential phonics skills while reading humorous stories featuring fun animal heroes. The books focus on short-vowel words, consonant blends, and early sight words. Each story uses three- and four-letter words to keep the text age-appropriate, and is ``just right`` for building self-confidence along with skill Inside the CD binder-like package, you'll find: . 10 story booklets with colorful illustrations and engaging text. 40 reward stickers to encourage completion and rereading. ``After You Read`` extended activity sections. A Parent/Teacher Guide to help you figure out the best ways to use these books Perfect for ages 4 and up Level 1 NIR readers focus on short-vowel sounds, simple consonant sounds, and beginning sight words. ``The concepts and skill progression in the NIR series are aligned to meet Common Core State Standards. ``This book is Fountas & Pinnell Leveled with a range of D-F````; information on individual booklet levels and Lexile Measures is available at the Now I'm Reading website.````````