A Million Wars, Paperback/Charles E. ``Chuck`` Ferguson
The concept of A Million Wars is derived from the author's belief that every veteran has experienced different circumstances and his or her memories define their war. The author has told a part of his story in an effort to help others understand what one man's war was like and, in the process, attempts to share lessons learned for the benefit of current and future military leaders. The story begins with the journey to Southeast Asia. From arrival in the country until eventual assignment as an armored cavalry platoon leader in Cambodia with the Eleventh Armored Cavalry ``Blackhorse`` Regiment, the author details his personal experiences and observations of the country, the people, and the workings of the military in a combat zone. Through relating various experiences, the author paints a picture of the many aspects of combat leadership. In lieu of presenting a ``blood and guts`` action story, although there was more than enough of that, the story reveals many of the challenges, joys, and sorrows endured by a combat leader and those valiant soldiers with whom he served. Eventual reassignment as Headquarters Troop Executive Officer reveals another part of the story. Upon the ``stand down,`` deactivation of the Eleventh Armored Cavalry Regiment, the action follows the Lieutenant's reassignment to the S-3 Air ``Squadron Air Operations Officer`` position along the Northern Demilitarized Zone. The actions there are significantly different from those as an armored cavalry platoon leader but give another view of combat experiences. The end of the Lieutenant's tour of duty chronicles the long trip home and the joys of being reunited with family and friends. It also recognizes the sorrow of leaving one's brothers in arms to continue the fight.