Knott's Handbook for Vegetable Growers, Paperback (5th Ed.)/Donald N. Maynard
Contributor(s):Author: Donald N. Maynard Author: George J. Hochmuth The leading one-stop reference for commercial vegetable growers formore than 50 years Rooted in tradition, branching out to the future. For more thanhalf a century, Knott's Handbook for Vegetable Growers has providedgenerations of commercial growers with the most timely, accessible, and useful information available on the subject. The Fifth Editionof this highly regarded horticultural mainstay provides readerswith the reliable growing and marketing information they've come toexpect, while including new and updated material throughout tomaintain its relevance in our ever-changing world. Filled with valuable information, largely in the form of tables andcharts--from hard statistics on vegetable production andconsumption to essential information for today's internationalmarkets, such as vegetable botanical names and vegetable names innine languages--Knott's Handbook is part Farmer's Almanac, partencyclopedia, and part dictionary. It also provides detailed, practical specifics on planting rates, schedules, and spacing; soils and fertilizers; methods for managing crop pests; greenhousevegetable and crop production; insect pest identification; harvesting and storage; and vegetable marketing. Now available in a new flexible cover designed for ease of use onthe desk or in the field, this valuable workhorse features newinformation on: World vegetable production Best management practices Organic crop production Food safety Pesticide safety Postharvest problems Minimally processed vegetables Plus, hundreds of Web site links related to vegetable information