The Sailing Bible: The Complete Guide for All Sailors from Novice to Expert, Paperback
""Sailing is a popular sport and this book is a very comprehensive treatment of the subject.... This reviewer was impressed by the constant stress the authors place on safety at sea. Photographs always show sailors in appropriate yachting safety gear and almost every paragraph mentions some aspect of maritime safety.... Experienced sailors as well as novices will find instruction in this book.... This title is recommended for general reference collections."" --American Reference Books Annual The most recent National Survey on Recreation and the Environment found that 10. 3 million Americans participate in sailing. US Sailing has 40, 000 amateur members and Americans have long excelled in the Olympics and in international races. The Sailing Bible is a comprehensive handbook for all sailors, whatever their experience. It takes novice sailors from learning the anatomy of their boat to handling emergencies while experienced sailors get sound advice and expert tips that will improve their skills, safety and enjoyment on the water. Jam-packed with vital data, step-by-step instructions, explanatory diagrams and lively action photos, The Sailing Bible is thorough, user-friendly and appropriate for all sailboats. Organized progressively from learning to sail to navigation and boat maintenance, the authors cover everything sailors must know to get the most out of the sport. Topics include: Dinghies and yachts Cruising and racing Launching, helming, trapezing and capsizing Racing techniques and tactics Buoys, tides, charts and navigation Anchoring and marina berthing Knots, ropes and flags Boat etiquette and seamanship Safety and emergencies and much more. The Sailing Bible is the most comprehensive guide to the exciting sport of sailing. It is an ideal choice as a reference to keep onboard, as a resource in preparation for certification or as a practical gift for a new sailor of any age.