Actitud Positiva y a Las Pruebas Me Remito / A Positive Attitude: I Rest My Case, Paperback/Caesar Lozano
El doctor Cesar Lozano nos presenta un libro invaluable para mantener una actitud positiva ante la vida. Consciente de la importancia que tiene el bienestar en las personas en un mundo marcado por el estres y la violencia, el doctor Cesar Lozano acude a la Ciencia de la felicidad, a las lecciones de vida orientadas a valorar la amistad, el amor y la convivencia, y a las investigaciones cientificas mas recientes sobre el bienestar y la salud, para entregarnos un libro divertido y muy util con los mejores tips para vivir en armonia, combatir el envejecimiento y no temerle a las enfermedades. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONDr. Cesar Lozano gives us an invaluable book for keeping a positive attitude toward life. Conscious of the importance of well-being in a world filled with stress and violence, Dr. Cesar Lozano turns to the field of Happiness Studies, to life lessons oriented at valuing friendship, love, and community, and to the most recent scientific research about well-being and health, to bring us a fun, useful book with the best tips for living in harmony, combating aging, and not fearing illness. Dr. Cesar Lozano has been one of the most sought-after trainers in Mexico, the U. S., and Central and South America for the past 18 years. He presents the successful radio program ``For the Pleasure of Living`` which is broadcast from Monday to Friday through the international station EXA: on 87. 7 FM in Los Angeles, California, and around the world through www. cesarlozano. com or www. exafm. com. He is the host of the segment ``Live Today`` on the program Today on the Channel of the Stars, as well as the segment ``Live Better`` on Televisa Monterrey News. He is also the author of the books Wake Up ... Life Goes On, Twinkle: Reflections That Will Bring More Light to Your Life, A Good Way to Say Goodbye, For the Pleasure of Living, Killer Phrases, and The Easy Side of Difficult People. He has given conferences and training programs to more than 15 million people, who have learned valuable