Henry Von Ofterdingen: A Romance, Paperback
A gem of German Romanticism, this literary landmark continues to enchant readers with its combination of poetic and fairy tale elements. The young hero of this unfinished experimental novel envisions a blue flower that represents desire, love, and the metaphysical longing for the infinite. He travels the world in pursuit of his dream, discovering that poetry is everywhere for those who can perceive it. Author Friedrich von Hardenberg better known as Novalis (1772-1801) was a poet and philosopher who worked closely with Friedrich Schlegel and Ludwig Tieck. Novalis's influence extended to Hermann Hesse and Jorge Luis Borges, and the ``blue flower`` motif that he originated in Henry von Ofterdingen has appeared in the works of C. S. Lewis and George R. R. Martin. This edition features a Life of the Author and an Afterword by Ludwig Tieck.