Bound for the Western Sea: : The Canine Account of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, Paperback
Contributor(s):Author: Laura Lee Yates When Meriwether Lewis purchases an enormous Newfoundland dog named Seaman, it's the start of an epic friendship. Crossing the continent with the Corps of Discovery, the dog contends with hostile Tetons, rampaging grizzlies, dwindling rations and Watlala kidnapers. But his toughest adversary is the dark shadow that perches on his Master's shoulders. Rooted in historical fact observed through the eyes-and the nose, ears, jaws, paws and heart-of a grand dog, Seaman's retelling of the bold and perilous journey carries you up the Missouri River and across the Shining Mountains. The canine account sheds new light on the thrill of discovery and the inevitable clash of cultures, on heroism, human foibles, race relations and cuisine (ah, the aroma of buffalo hump, of boudin blanc and beavertail...) Bound for the Western Sea is also a special kind of love story, as Seaman's devotion to his Master illuminates the extraordinary sense of purpose that empowered a gifted but troubled man to battle his inner demons and lead the Corps to the Pacific. Travel with Lewis & Clark, their brotherhood of daring young men, a Shoshone girl with a baby on her back, and the loyal narrator as the explorers head into the uncharted West on an American adventure you'll never forget. Also available is a companion CD of period and original music, performed by Harry Harpoon & friends and also titled Bound for the Western Sea.