Navy Seal Dogs! a Children's Book about Training Navy Seal Dogs for Combat: Fun Facts & Pictures about Navy Seal Dog Soldiers, Not Your Normal K9!, Paperback/Lionel Paxton
Navy SEAL Dogs promises to teach your children all about how the navy trains these specialist dogs for combat, the breed used and expectations of these dog soldiers. They will understand the background of the navy SEAL dogs, the agility of the breed and their ability to locate people, explosives and weapons with their senses of smell and hearing. This educational publication opens up a world of action adventure for kids. The ebook explains everything about helping soldiers on their missions with vivid illustrations and captivating photographs. Read it in black and white or absorbing full color on your kindle. This is a perfect ebook for kids to explore and discover the history of war dogs and the link between Belgian Malinois, working dogs and SEAL dogs. It includes explanations of: what the military has used dogs for in warfare stretching as far back as 600 BC, saving over 10, 000 lives in warzones and frontlines worldwide; the close bond between these dogs and their handlers and 'Cairo' the SEAL dog who was part of the team that helped capture the terrorist Osama bin Laden. For instance did you know that there are over 2, 500 war dogs in service today with about 700 deployed and serving overseas or that a daring navy seal skydiver and his dog hold the record for the highest man-dog parachute jump at an altitude of 30, 100 feet? The facts, pictures and explanations in the publication will keep your child fascinated and entertained, giving fun and enjoyment whilst improving understanding and knowledge. You will understand why most of the western world's military and law enforcement sectors choose the Malinois, whether it be for sport work, search and rescue, personal protection, detection, police or army work and how SEAL dogs are capable of working in military missions at sea, in the air and on land. You will see why these dogs are trained to detect and engage in ways that soldiers can't such as explosive detection, reconnaissance, tracking, guarding, engaging the ene