When Love Meets Fear: Becoming Defense-Less and Resource-Full, Paperback
The author of the best-selling Flow to Be an Adult explains in his popular style how fear cripples our ability to release our full potential. He then presents a concrete program of change for overcoming this fear. Richo looks at th deepest roots of fear: fear of love, loss, change, being alone, fear of others, fear of self-disclosure, fear of giving and receiving, coming and going. His program includes becoming defense-less, that is, allowing ourselves to feel fear without our buffering defenses, and then becoming resource-full, that is, learning to act in new ways. Features ---- is written in a conversational tone, yet is informed by dozens of sources and years of professional experience-- helps distinguish between neurotic fear and appropriate fear-- integrates psychology with an ecumenical spirituality-- includes affirmations, suggestions, and concrete actions