Set Free to Choose Right: Equipping Today's Kids to Make Right Moral Choices for Life, Paperback
Popular Author, Speaker, and Founder of the Josh Mc Dowell Ministry Speaks Out on the Popular, Culturally Relevant Topic of Right vs. Wrong Directed to parents and gatekeepers of today's youth, renowned speaker and author Josh Mc Dowell focuses on the how-to's of teaching teens and pre-teens to make right moral choices. Set Free to Choose Right will help you come to understand: why today's kids feel they have the right to determine what is ``right`` or ``wrong`` for themselveshow culture reinforces that there are no universal truths and. . .where this misconception historically originatedhow to motivate kids to make good choicesit is God's character and nature that makes right, right and wrong, wrong Engaging stories and helpful illustration are provided to model how a person (of any age) can distinguish between right and wrong and make the right choice--every time