Build Your Own Free-To-Air (FTA) Satellite TV System, Paperback/Dennis C. Brewer
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. LEGALLY TAP INTO ABSOLUTELY FREE SATELLITE TV Replace or expand your paid TV services with Free-to-Air television programming with ease. Build Your Own Free-to-Air (FTA) Satellite TV System shows how to affordably put together your own subscription-free home entertainment center from start to finish. Find out how to choose the right components, set up a satellite dish and receiver, fine-tune reception, add local over-the-air stations, and go mobile with your FTA TV system. You'll get full details on recording to the latest digital devices, installing a TV card in your PC, viewing video over the Internet, and integrating theater-quality audio. Photos and diagrams illustrate each step along the way. Comprehensive lists of technical terms and definitions, available channels and satellites, and dish-aiming steps are also included in this practical guide. COVERAGE INCLUDES: Equipment, component, and tool selection Satellite dish and FTA receiver installation Stereo, 5. 1, and 7. 1 sound Dish alignment and synchronization Local over-the-air channel reception Video over the Internet and movies on demand DVD players, DVRs, PCs, and VCRs Mobile, RV, and remote Free-to-Air TVAbout the Author: Dennis C. Brewer is a Novell Certified Network Engineer and IT solutions specialist with more than 14 years of experience in field. He has authored several books as well as enterprise-level IT and telecommunications policies, procedures, and standards currently in use by the State of Michigan.