Motivate Your Child: A Christian Parent's Guide to Raising Kids Who Do What They Need to Do Without Being Told, Paperback
We need a parenting revolution Most parenting approaches end up encouraging children to ask the wrong questions about life: What's in it for me? Are you going to pay me for that? What's the minimum I need to do to get by? But God's Word gives us a better way to parent, one that builds strong internal motivation in children. When parents change the way they parent, kids change the way they live. This practical book explores a theology of internal motivation and then gives parents real-life solutions to equip their kids for life. You'll learn . . . - how to parent in ways that build internal motivation so that kids don't have to rely on you to get things done. - the four promptings of the conscience and how to coordinate your parenting to take advantage of them. - ways to energize your spiritual training with fun and creativity. - how to help children respond to mistakes instead of blaming, defending, or justifying. The greatest gift you can give your child is strong moral and spiritual development--this book shows you how. Every chapter includes practical examples of families applying the Bible to their current issues. Join the revolution