The Ultimate Guide to Raising Teens and Tweens: Strategies for Unlocking Your Child's Full Potential, Paperback
Are you concerned or frustrated with the choices your child makes when it comes to their peer groups, study habits, and use of social media? Do you feel your child is pushing you away and your connection is weakening? Are you unsure of the next steps you should take to help your child succeed? A whole new set of parenting concerns arise during tween and teenhood that can be overwhelming for any parent. The Ultimate Guide to Raising Teens and Tweens offers a step-by-step plan for raising your adolescent through this tumultuous time. Douglas Haddad provides specific, proven tools for you to help your child become a problem solver and grow to be smart, successful, and self-disciplined. In The Ultimate Guide to Raising Teens and Tweens, you will: -Discover the secrets of effective communication with your child -Learn the techniques to stop behavior problems right in their tracks when they happen -Know the strategies to best motivate your child and unlock their potential -Find out how to set appropriate limits and hold your child accountable for their actions -Understand today's ""child-limiting challenges"" and the solutions for handling them with your child Every parent wants the best for their child, and these years can be fraught with challenges: bullying, violence, gambling, sex, smoking, alcohol, substance use, eating disorders, depression, suicide, unhealthy eating, lack of physical activity, etc. Making sense of these challenges, this book offers exercises for incorporating the ten child unlimited tools into your parenting style and anecdotes to illustrate strategies and techniques. Supported by current research, the tools found in these pages will serve as a guide for any family with tweens or teens.