ProvenCare: How to Deliver Value-Based Healthcare the Geisinger Way, Hardcover
The gold standard in reengineering healthcare delivery When it comes to providing high-quality care in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible, Proven Care has proven to be the gold standard in the industry. Developed at Geisinger Health System and praised by healthcare leaders worldwide, this pioneering approach provides an essential blueprint for healthcare executives who want to provide higher levels of care for their patients, greater incentives for practitioners, and smarter solutions at lower costs. Proven Care will help you achieve four transformational goals: 1. Create a truly integrated system that connects all employees--physicians, nurses, pharmacists, medical technicians and specialists, administrators, desk clerks, IT workers, food services, security guards, even financial officers. 2. Nurture partnerships between payers and providers--by sharing crucial medical information as well as financial risks. 3. Strengthen your leadership--from top to bottom, in every department and division. 4. Drive continuous innovation--with sustainable benefits for future success. Packed with practical solutions to pervasive industry problems, this book provides you with the same field-tested strategies that have made Geisinger one of the most respected names in the healthcare industry. Written by the physician executive who led the development and implementation of Proven Care and the current CEO of this widely hailed organization, this authoritative guide shows leaders how to reengineer care delivery using innovative strategies, proven processes, and performance-enhancing tools that will create value, improve quality, and reduce costs. Best of all, you'll be well-equipped to tackle challenges in the future. Whether it's new government guidelines or insurance industry upsets, the fundamental challenges in healthcare will always remain the same: access, quality, and cost. With Proven Care, you'll have the tools you need to deliver the best care in the best way at the best pri