Secretele Construirii Marii Piramide din Egipt
Secretele construirii Marii Piramide din Egipt. Faraonul Keops si Marea Piramida / The Secrets of Building the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Pharaoh Cheops and the Great Pyramid Editie bilingva romana-engleza Piramidele Keops, Chepehren si Mycerinus, situate pe necropola Giza, sunt cele mai mari, cele mai frumoase, cele mai bine conservate si cele mai faimoase.Asa-numitele „piramidele Reginei” pot fi gasite pe „site”, dar, desigur, acestea sunt mai mici. Motivul pentru care a fost construita Marea Piramida ilustreaza perfect dorinta si determinarea oamenilor de a lasa urme ale trecerii lor prin acesta viata iar constructia Marii Piramide pentru Faraonul Keops reprezenta un simbol al eternitatii! The Pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus situated on the Giza Necropolis are the biggest, most beautiful, well preserved and famous of all. The so-called "pyramids of the Queen" can be found on "site" but of course, they are smaller. The reason for which the Great Pyramid was built perfectly illustrates the desire and determination of the people to leave a trace of their passage through this life and the construction of the Great Pyramid for the Pharaoh Cheops represents a symbol of eternity.