Global Street Art: The Street Artists and Trends Taking Over the World, Paperback
A comprehensive gallery of the best street art from around the world. For years, graffiti art sat on the fence separating vandalism and public art. Today it's matured into street art -- a form of public art marking cities around the world. Global Street Art is a splendid collection of some of the best around the world, investigating the media the artists work with, the ``canvases`` they work on, the themes that arise through their work, and the ``galleries`` in which they choose to set their work. The types of street art and the methods used vary widely, so the book organizes the photographs into categories in these chapters: Introduction: A brief history of graffiti and street art Global Breakdown: USA, Europe/UK, South America, and Rest of the World Techniques: Graf/Letters, Freehand Spraycan, Stencil, Stickers and Posters, Atypical Techniques, Durable Techniques, and Ephemeral Techniques, and more Spaces: Plants, Integration, Shadow and Photo, Spaces and Faces Movements: Alluding to 3D, Anamorphism, Photorealism, Text Work, Calligraphy, Geometry, and more Surfaces: Vehicles, Roads, Passenger Trains, Freight, and more Themes: Animals, Hip-hop Characters, Robots, and more Ad-busting/Activism International Street Art Festivals and Projects. Street artists are startlingly talented -- they create witty, provocative and sentimental art. Global Street Art presents their painted world.